Tuesday, October 13, 2009



If you are like me (and I know you are….well, some of you are like me) then your mind shuts down when you hear the word math, think of math, or have to apply math in your everyday life. I have learned to work around my “math handicap” by designating an older child to help the younger ones with math home work, using my phone to calculate the tip at a restaurant (who ever invented that should get the Nobel Peace Prize), or just avoiding double-checking to see if I received the right amount of change at the grocery store.

When I was in elementary school, and my math teacher was explaining to the class what E= MC² meant, I let it wash over my head like every other equation. The one thing that I did remember about this certain equation is that Albert Einstein was the individual who said it. The only reason I remembered Albert Einstein is because of his white spastic hair-do. I remember thinking to myself that here was a man who had to have been teased growing up because of his hair; and that is the only thing he and I have in common.

Now fast forward 25 years. I’m older, I have a better hair-do, I don’t get teased-as much- but I still do not like math. I had not used the equation E = MC² in my adult life until I was introduced to energy work. The equation was used to explain how I relate to the world and everything around me. Not just the world as in people, but everything in the world….houses, cars, furniture, neighborhoods, jobs, money, everything!

When I understood the equation and how it applied to me I was excited about it because it explained who I am. It did not explain how fast a train would be traveling if it left Chicago at 4:30 in the afternoon and the wind was blowing 80miles per hour. The equation explained who I am; why my life experience is what it is, and how I can change it if I choose to. Yep, I got all of that information from that little tiny equation of E=MC².

I will now tell you what I was told about E=MC² and how it relates to you and everything in “your” world. All I ask is that if you have already heard this explanation then pretend you are hearing it and understanding it for the first time. Are you ready?

E=MC² means energy equals everything; everything is energy!!! Dr. Ben Johnson explained it in a way that is easy to comprehend. He says, “On one side of the equation is mass and light and everything we perceive, and on the other side is energy; everything equals energy.” There is the universe, then the Earth, then us humans and inside of our bodies are our organs, inside of our organs are calls, inside of our cells are molecules, inside the molecules are atoms and inside the atoms is, yes you guessed it; energy! I know what you are thinking, she might not know her math but she paid attention in science, right?!

When you say that energy vibrates and gives off a certain frequency and everything has a frequency and like attracts alike, then, and only then, does E=MC² explain your life, who is in your life experience, and why things happen to you, good or bad.

Let’s back up to everything being energy and everything has a vibration. When you look at a wall or anything solid it only appears to be solid. The wall, table and chairs etc, are all vibrating energy and the rate of the vibration makes the objects appear to be solid. We are the same as the chairs and the wall. We appear to be solid, some more than others, but we are all a vibrating mass of energy. Philosopher Bob Proctor said it the best, “we are an ocean of motion.” Everything is made up of the same thing whether it is the ocean, a house, a human, or a star, everything is made of the same energy. I don’t care who you are, knowing that you are made up of the same thing as a star is exciting. So when you are walking through your house or driving down the street remember that everything your eyes land on is vibrating energy and it is giving off a certain frequency.

Knowing that everything is vibrating energy and everything has a frequency, including emotions, then it is important to balance your mind, body and sprit. Yes, I know you have heard that before along with why it is important to take Yoga. To have optimal health, you must have balance between your mind (which is energy), body (which is energy) and sprit (which is energy).

There are several ways you can balance your energy, one being Reiki. Reiki, pronounced (ray- key) means: Spirit life force. Reiki is being accepted in the Western world like acupuncture is.

Reiki is a Japanese technique used for stress reduction, deep relaxation, and it promotes healing. A Reiki session is very relaxing, it is safe, and it is a natural method of spiritual healing, energy balancing, and self improvement.

A typical Reiki session lasts about an hour. What to except from a Reiki session varies from person to person. Common results from a Reiki session are, it recharges your body's energy, detoxifies your body, increases the vibration frequency of your body and soreness dissipates.

The great thing about Reiki, and other energy work, is that even though it is spiritual in nature, it is not connected any form of religion. You do not have to have a spiritual belief for Reiki to work, it works either way. Reiki treats the body, emotions, mind, and spirit.

I was so intrigued after my first Reiki session that I became a Reiki Master and now I offer Reiki sessions as part of my practice. Now I can show people that everything is energy, they are energy and how they can use energy to improve their health and life.

Love and light,

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